Revisiting JavaScript, my long lost friend.

Revisiting JS screenshot

Exciting times ahead, I’m currently working through the vanilla JS course at by Wes Bos. I stumbled across his CSS Grid course a couple months ago and just learnt so much then. This course is shaping up to be just as enriching.

What I’m really finding interesting about studying JavaScript in 2018 are the changes that have come about since ES6 || ES2015, especially how variables have progressed.

I’ve bought Sitepoint’s “Javascript, from Novice to Ninja: Edition 2“. I find that reading this book when I’m not doing tutorials re-enforces what I’m learning and fills in the gaps.

JS socially speaking I’m looking forward to my EPIC friend Jeff Knaggs presenting at the next CHCH.JS meetup session. If “building a small React app, using setState for state management” sounds like your thing I’ll see you there!

Until next time,